Fading into the Silence
Eternity in a Moment 宮田裕章
The core of this work is a spatial exhibition that combines artificial and fresh flowers. Flowers that decay in different cycles are exhibited, and the process will be recorded in photographs throughout the exhibition. Next to the spatial exhibition, there are photographs showing the chronological changes of similar exhibitions that preceded it.
The way the flowers decay in different cycles quietly symbolizes the cycles of nature and the passage of time. This exhibition interweaves the dualities of beauty and ephemerality, temporality and eternity. By looking at pho-tographs that record the past next to the spatial display of fresh and artificial flowers, you can recognize the time that has passed in that space, and the time that will pass in the future. This shifts the experience of this space from static to dynamic and becomes a catalyst for experiencing how the entire exhibition changes over time.
Eternity in a Moment MIYATA Hiroaki
蜷川 実花/Mika Ninagawa
エグゼクティブディレクター/Executive Director
宮田 裕章/Hiroaki Miyata
照明監督/Lighting Director
上野 甲子朗/Koshiro Ueno
打越 誠/Makoto Uchikoshi
渡邉なおこ(ten. )/Naoko Watanabe(ten. )